Author: Jebediah Crumplesnatch MP
Sponsor: N/A
Type: Act of Parliament
Preamble: In order to prevent any confusion in future, this bill dictates the naming procedure of all future proposed legislation, as well as restricting the content of a bill to relevant items only.
1. Naming Procedures
(a) All Bills will follow a defined set of naming procedures.
(i) The title must be named after the general area it covers, with any specifics in parenthesis at the end.
(ii) All titles must be apolitical.
(b) This bill applies semi-retroactively.
(i) Any existing legislation may keep its current name until a time when it is amended or replaced, at which point a new title will be given if required.
2. Restrictions on Bill Content
(a) Bills may only contain statues which come under the scope defined within the title.
(i) A bills author or sponsor may include disputable content if they are able to adequately explain to the house the relevancy of said statues.
3. Enforcement of these Rules
(a) It is the responsibility of the Speaker to ensure no bill is put forwards under a false or misleading title.
(i) The Speaker may punish any member of parliament for repeated or brazen attempts to mistitle bills at their own discretion.
(b) Any member of the public can bring parliament to the courts regarding the naming of legislation.
(i) The Public may only do this with acts which the house has passed.
(i) Only the Supreme Court may decree whether or not an act is accurately titled.
(ii) If found to be an accurate title, the legal fees will be paid by whoever wrongly brought the case to the court.
(c) Any bill or act deemed to be inaccurately titled will be null and voided until a new accurate title is brought forwards.
(i) For legislation written after this bill, any previous lawsuits based on this legislation will be overturned if the legislation is voided, and any new legal proceedings cannot take place until a new name is decided.
(ii) For legislation written before this bill, any previous lawsuits will be upheld, however new legal proceedings cannot take place until a new name is decided.
4. Renaming Legislation
(a) If a bill has been found to be inaccurately named before it has passed, the author may retitle the bill unilaterally.
(i) The author is advised to discuss potential new names with The Speaker, though this is not a requirement.
(b) Once an act has been passed, any new names must be voted upon by the house.
(i) Members of the House must bring forwards new name options within 48 hours of an inaccurate verdict.
(ii) The Speaker is required to ensure time is available within the Parliamentary schedule for this vote to take place.