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Case Structure
Started by CityRP

Submitting a case to the Court of the Azalea Isles is a crucial step in seeking justice within our country's legal system. The court carefully reviews each case to ensure fairness and uphold the law. They listen to all sides and make decisions based on the law and what's right. The court protects your rights and ensures that everyone is treated fairly under the law.


In order to bring a case forward, it must have standing and it must be legally actionable. Standing refers to the legal right of an individual or entity to bring a case before a court. It is contingent upon demonstrating a direct and specific interest in the subject matter of the case, such as being affected by an action. Additionally, you must show that someone has committed a legal wrong, such as a material breach of contract or run afoul of the law.  If someone has both committed an action that is legally wrong and you have a direct and specific interest in that action, you may have a case!


So what can you expect next? Well when you submit a case to the court, you have to submit it in a specific format. This format is purposely left blank, it is up to you, or your lawyer, to fill it out. The format is designed to help a justice easily review the case to understand the legal issue. The format is below:



Thread Title:  [Plaintiff's Name]  v. [Defendant's Name]

Thread Body:


[Plaintiff's Name], Plaintiff


[Defendant's Name], Defendant


Civil Complaint:

Summarize the complaint here.



Identify the plaintiff(s); defendant(s); co-defendant(s); and third parties by name.

  1. Plaintiff
  2. Defendant
  3. Co-Defendant(s)


Factual Allegations:

Provide a concise statement of the facts giving rise to the claim, including the date, time, and location of the events in question if possible.

  1. Factual allegations go here
  2. With details as possible


Legal Claims:

Specify the legal claims or causes of action being asserted by the plaintiff, such as breach of contract, negligence, or fraud.

  1. Legal claims or causes of action go here
  2. With reference to specific acts or violations


Prayer for Relief:

Request the specific relief sought by the plaintiff, including monetary damages, injunctive relief, or other appropriate remedies. Please review the Court Orders, Powers, and Judgments thread for further explanation.

  1. Prayer for relief goes here
  2. With reference to the appropriate remedies



I, (INSERT NAME HERE), hereby affirm that the allegations in the complaint AND all subsequent statements made in court are true and correct to the best of the plaintiff's knowledge, information, and belief and that any falsehoods may bring the penalty of perjury.



If you need to respond to the complaint, please use the following format.



Thread Body:


Answer to Civil Complaint:

Summarize the answer here.



Identify the plaintiff(s); defendant(s); co-defendant(s); and third party(ies) by name (usually copy and pasted from plaintiff’s section).

  1. Plaintiff
  2. Defendant
  3. Co-Defendant


Factual Defenses or Challenges:

Provide a concise statement of the facts giving rise to the claim, including the date, time, and location of the events in question if possible.

  1. Factual defenses or challenges go here
  2. With details as possible


Legal Defenses or Challenges:

Specify the legal claims or causes of action being asserted by the plaintiff, such as breach of contract, negligence, or fraud.

  1. Legal claims or causes of action go here
  2. With specific legal defences



I, (INSERT NAME HERE), hereby affirm that the allegations in the answer AND all subsequent statements made in court are true and correct to the best of the defendant’s knowledge, information, and belief and that any falsehoods may bring the penalty of perjury.


Once the complaint is completed and you’re ready to go, you can submit it under the main court thread. It is important to make sure all parts of the thread are filled out correctly and completely. A judge or justice may not be able to adequately be able to review your case if it was not done properly. If you are unsure of any step in this process, it is highly recommended that you seek a lawyer to assist you in this process.


Once a complaint is submitted, the case will go in the following order:

  1. Complaint is filed by the plaintiff.
  2. A justice reviews the complaint. If it is satisfactory, a summons will be issued to the defendant. That justice becomes the presiding justice.
  3. The defendant will be notified of the complaint via the summons, they will have time to respond to the complaint with an answer.
  4. If the defendant does not respond, the plaintiff may be awarded a default judgment. A defendant may still respond to the case and request a stay of the default judgment if they provide the court with an answer.
  5. The presiding justice will then call on the plaintiff to provide opening arguments explaining their side of the case and why they should prevail.
  6. The presiding justice will then call on the defendant  to provide opening arguments explaining their side of the case and why they should prevail.
  7. The presiding judge will give time for witnesses to be called. The plaintiff and defendant will both have time to declare witnesses. The presiding justice will then summon those witnesses.
  8. The witnesses will be questioned. The side who called the witness shall ask their questions first. The other side can cross-examine the witness.
  9. Once all witnesses have been questioned and cross-examined, the presiding justice will allow the plaintiff to give a concluding statement providing a rebuttal including witness testimony to round off their case.
  10. The presiding justice will then allow the defendant to give a concluding statement providing a rebuttal including witness testimony to round off their case.
  11. The court shall go into recess and a verdict will be posted.