To the Honorable Judge MilkCrack,
Response to Question 1: Confirmation of Case Being Criminal in Nature
I, Matthew Romanus, hereby confirm that this case is indeed a criminal matter. Pursuant to Section 4.1(a) of the Criminal Code, Krix stands accused of committing multiple counts of robbery and murder. I request that the court treat this case as a criminal proceeding, with all attendant rights and procedures applicable thereto.
Response to Question 2: Potential Jail Time
Regarding the potential jail time if convicted, the Criminal Code specifies the following penalties for 12 counts of robbery and 1 counts of murder: jailed for 725 minutes and fined for $50 dollars. They can also be fined for each charge of robbery up to 1.5 the amount stolen. Since the prosecution does not know how much has been stolen, we have opted not to seek a fine.
There is no cap as far as I am aware to how long the defendant can be jailed for. The plugin gave them a 1 hour and 30 minute jail sentence upon apprehension and arrest. This may be the limit.
Response to Question 3: Time Served
I am currently unable to get time served, but I believe that the jail time has exceeded 30 minutes.
I request that the court take these facts into consideration when determining an appropriate sentence for Krix should he be found guilty.
Brief Regarding Prosecution:
To the Honorable Milkcrack,
The Prosecution respectfully submits this brief in support of its Prayer for Relief, seeking a reasonable and justified punishment for the Defendant’s crimes.
Under Section 4.1 of the Criminal Code, The alleged crimes' punishment is more than 30 minutes. This is because the Defendant’s actions matches the profile of the crimes that we allege and the necessitate a more stringent sentence. We acknowledge that the Criminal Code permits imprisonment “up to 60 minutes of jail per instance” for Robbery under Section 1.6. In this instance, the Defendant is charged with 12 counts of Robbery, which cumulatively amounts to 725 minutes of jail time (or the cap given by plugin or staff limitations), which is justified by the statutory limits. Additionally, to protect the public given the ongoing alleged crime spree that the defendant may have committed; the AIPD, authorized by 4.1(a) of the criminal code, detained the defendant after they had been "prosecuted" through the filing of this criminal complaint. We argue that the Defendant’s imprisonment is necessary to uphold justice and deter future criminal behavior.
WHEREFORE, the Prosecution respectfully requests that this Honorable Court consider the guiding principles of law and the statutory limits set by the Criminal Code in determining the appropriate punishment for the Defendant’s crimes, and grant the relief sought.
Respectfully submitted,
Matthew Romanus