1. The evidence says that you were killed by Krix 6 times, is this true?
2. You mentioned that at some point, you transferred your balance to SimplyMadi. Do you have an estimate of how many times you were robbed before making that transfer?
3. Have you ever had to transfer your balance before or after the attacks due to excessive robberies?
1. The evidence says that you were killed by Krix 2 times, is this true?
2.Did both robberies happen while you were carrying a balance?
1. In your view, what do you think of the statistical probability calculations over the given situation.
2. In your view, does the accounting of baltop on 04/31/24 create a sampling bias on who could or could not have had $0 or less dollars?
3. Is it possible that present data could have been indicative of past data?
4. Given the data, what are the minimum amount of robbery charges that could stick on the defendant given 14 robberies over 19 deaths and 8 possible instances where the victim had a $0 dollar balance?
5. Given the data, what is the likely maximum amount of robber charges that could stick on the defendant given 14 robberies over 19 deaths and 8 possible instances where the victim had a $0 dollar balance?
1. Did xBlu3 transfer her balance to you?
2. How often do you or your friends transfer balances when there is a serial robber making their rounds?