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10 months ago
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8 months ago
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I, RandomIntruder, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in the Queen's Parliament as a member of the Monarchist Party.
9 months ago
I am the leading math scholar in the Isles University (I am one class away from a Bachelors in Applied Mathematics in real life). 
9 months ago
I would like to add this as part of the analysis for Dusty's last /seen since it was used several times in my answers.
9 months ago
1. In your view, what do you think of the statistical probability calculations over the given situation. After reviewing the analysis, I believe that your argument about the data having been collected on the 31st, after the 19th, is a valid concern. However, Dusty_3, the main person who could have had a 0 balance based on the list, has not been on the server since that day.  Everything else regarding the statistics seems to hold up, as long as the assumption of people who had balances on the 31st also had balances on the 19th, with the exception of the transfer, holds to be valid, the numbers work out.  2. In your view, does the accounting of baltop on 04/31/24 create a sampling bias on who could or could not have had $0 or less dollars? I am not aware of any accounting for baltop from April at all nor would it create sampling bias as it's not a sample but rather an analysis of everyone.  3. Is it possible that present data could have been indicative of past data? Yes, especially when identifying whether data could have changed since the past.  4. Given the data, what are the minimum amount of robbery charges that could stick on the defendant given 14 robberies over 19 deaths and 8 possible instances where the victim had a $0 dollar balance? The 19 deaths are irrelevant. The minimum would result from all 8 possibilities being instances of robbery on $0. 14-8 is 6. This is unlikely since it would require the 14 robberies to have been committed on all 8 possibilities without missing one.  5. Given the data, what is the likely maximum amount of robber charges that could stick on the defendant given 14 robberies over 19 deaths and 8 possible instances where the victim had a $0 dollar balance? Again, the 19 deaths are irrelevant. The maximum would be that every instance of the 8 possibilities was actually a valid robbery, resulting in 14 cases of robbery. This is unlikely, in my opinion, because Dusty never logged back in so his balance never changed, so assuming that 2/5 attempts to rob Dusty was successful, a good estimate would be 12 robberies. This works under the assumption that Blue transferred her balance after being last murdered. 
9 months ago
I, Random Intruder, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in the Queen's Parliament as a member of the People's Action Party. 
9 months ago